Accounting API

Retrieve invoices generated by Autopay.

By accessing or using the API, the integrator agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of Accounting API.

Available resources:

Access requirements:

  • A valid authentication token is required to access the API. How to authenticate your application
  • API credentials define access to the data so that one can access either only PAID invoices, only UNPAID invoices, or both. When requesting access from Autopay, the operator should specify what kind of access is needed.

GET - Get invoices

This service allows you to retrieve all invoices within a period. An invoice can have multiple invoice items that are linked to parking sessions by the same vehicle or client.



Request parameters

  • Path parameters must include a date interval.
  • Request parameters must be URL encoded.
  • Data is not propagated to the Accounting API in real-time; therefore, all the queries should be delayed as well and not made in real-time.
  • The request path must include a date interval, either for invoice date (parameters "invoice_date_from" and "invoice_date_to") or time on which the data was registered/updated in the Accounting API (parameters "from" and "to"). Accounting API features two sets of date parameters to query invoices and sales from the API to allow covering different use cases on how to acquire data from the API. Parameters "from" and "to" allow to query data based on the time the data became available or updated in the API. These parameters will enable acquiring data continuously and get all the new data that comes available. Parameters "invoice_date_from" and "invoice_date_to" will allow acquiring data for a specific timeframe (e.g., all invoices from March 2019).
    IMPORTANT: Both date intervals cannot be used at once!
  • When making multiple or recurring requests to the API it is recommended to use the exact to or invoice_date_to parameter from the previous request as from or invoice_date_from to prevent any data loss.

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
from datetime (ISO 8601) no Beginning of the query period for a request to get data based on the time the data was updated in the API, e.g. 2016-02-02T12:15:00+0200 (URL encoded: 2016-02-02T12:15:00%2B0200).
to datetime (ISO 8601) no End of the query period for a request to get data based on the time the data was updated in the API, e.g. 2017-02-02T12:15:00+0200 (URL encoded: 2017-02-02T12:15:00%2B0200).
invoice_date_from datetime (ISO 8601) no Beginning of the query period for a request to get data based on the invoice date, e.g. 2017-02-02T12:15:00+0200 (URL encoded: 2017-02-02T12:15:00%2B0200).
invoice_date_to datetime (ISO 8601) no End of the query period for a request to get data based on the invoice date, e.g. 2017-02-02T12:15:00+0200 (URL encoded: 2017-02-02T12:15:00%2B0200).
status string no Invoice status. Supported values: PAID, UNPAID
cursor string no Use the cursor string returned with response to get the next set of results.

Example request

Success response

HTTP Code: 200 OK

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
invoices array of Invoices yes
summary Summary yes
id string yes ID of the invoice
batch_id string no ID of the invoice batch
status string yes Status of the invoice: PAID, UNPAID
operator string yes Operator of the Autopay location
invoice_date date yes Date when the invoice was generated
currency string yes Currency of the invoice
receipt_url string no Receipt URL
client Client no
items array of Items yes
payments array of Payments yes
created_at datetime (ISO 8601) no Date when the invoice was created
updated_at datetime (ISO 8601) no Date when the invoice was updated
id string no Client ID is a unique ID for the specific client. The client ID comes either from the owner lookup service provider or is generated by the Autopay system based on the client data.
type string yes Type of the client: REGULAR
email string no Client contact email address
phone string no Client telephone number
name string yes Name of the client
address string no Client billing address
postal_code string no Client postal (zip) code
company_number string no Client company number
city string no Client city
country string no Client country
birth_date date no Client birth date
operator_data OperatorData no Operator data is a custom JSON field containing the operator's custom elements that need to be forwarded to the Accounting API
reference string no Reference field from tenants billing data
id string yes ID of the invoice item
description string yes Short description of item origins based on operator-specific template
parking_session ParkingSession no
charging_session ChargingSession no
vat_percent decimal yes VAT percent applied to item amount
net_price decimal yes Price of the invoice item without VAT
gross_price decimal yes Price of the invoice item with VAT
vat_amount decimal yes VAT amount included in the price
accounting_object string no Unique code used in accounting systems
id string yes ID of the payment
paid_at datetime (ISO 8601) yes Time of the payment
paid_amount decimal yes Amount paid
sender_account string no Account used for payment
transaction_id string no ID of the transaction, returned by the payment provider
message string no Transaction message, returned by the payment provider
payment_channel string no Payment channel used for the payment
autopay_payment_reference string no Reference number in for the payment
payment_provider PaymentProvider no
name string no Name of the provider responsible for handling the payment
code string yes Unique code of the payment provider
id string yes ID of the parking session
invoicing_fee boolean no Marker of whether the invoice fee should be applied when invoicing the parking session or not
start_time datetime (ISO 8601) yes Start time of the parking session related to the invoice item
end_time datetime (ISO 8601) yes End time of the parking session related to the invoice item
zone_name string yes Name of the zone related to the parking session
zone_code string yes Code of the zone related to the parking session
facility_name string no Name of the facility related to the parking session
facility_code string no Code of the facility related to the parking session
vehicle_reg string yes Vehicle registration (number plate) of the vehicle parked
vehicle_nationality string no Nationality (country code) of the vehicle parked
vehicle_region string no Region (subdivision) of the vehicle parked
entry_event Event no
exit_event Event no
permit Permit no
product_name string yes Product name used for parking
id string yes ID of the charging session
start_time datetime (ISO 8601) yes Start time of the charging session related to the invoice item
end_time datetime (ISO 8601) yes End time of the charging session related to the invoice item
zone_name string yes Name of the zone related to the charging session
zone_code string yes Code of the zone related to the charging session
facility_name string no Name of the facility related to the charging session
facility_code string no Code of the facility related to the charging session
vehicle_reg string no Vehicle registration (number plate) of the vehicle charging
vehicle_nationality string no Nationality (country code) of the vehicle charging
vehicle_region string no Region (subdivision) of the vehicle charging
product_name string no Product name used for charging
kwh_charged decimal no Amount of kwh consumed while charging
time datetime (ISO 8601) yes Time when the event occurred
confidence integer yes Confidence of the camera image accuracy on the scale of 0-1000
lane string no Lane on which the camera that captured the event was situated
image_url string no URL of the image file
permit_name string yes Name of the permit used
permit_holder string no Name of the permit holder
concurrent_parking_limit_exceeded boolean yes Marker whether the concurrent parking limit was exceeded or not
resolution string yes Short description on how the permit was used
digipost string no Additional operator data, for example digipost
total_results integer yes Total number of results returned
more_results boolean yes Is there more results matching the path parameters
cursor string no Cursor string to fetch the next batch of results if the are more

Example success response

    "invoices": [
            "id": "1423onepark_no",
            "status": "PAID",
            "operator": "onepark_no",
            "invoice_date": "2023-05-20",
            "currency": "NOK",
            "receipt_url": "",
            "client": {
                "id": "ZZZxvBgjdZXZUcE8H4otDIRXnFf9",
                "type": "REGULAR",
                "email": "",
                "phone": "123456789",
                "name": "Central Station Small Corp AS",
                "address": "Small street 101",
                "postal_code": "123456",
                "company_number": "02839129",
                "city": "Oslo",
                "country": "NO",
                "birth_date": "1980-01-01",
                "reference": "12345",
            "items": [
                    "id": "1234567898765432",
                    "description": "Central Station 4h Product - #21412\n20.05.23 11:45 - 20.05.23 15:05\nKKRCC  - alle plasser benyttet",
                    "parking_session": {
                        "id": "2833",
                        "start_time": "2023-05-20T10:45:13+0000",
                        "end_time": "2023-05-20T14:05:13+0000",
                        "zone_name": "Central Station (kontoret)",
                        "zone_code": "100",
                        "facility_name": "The Central Station",
                        "facility_code": "1",
                        "vehicle_reg": "KKRCC",
                        "vehicle_nationality": "NO",
                        "entry_event": {
                            "time": "2023-05-20T10:45:13+0000",
                            "confidence": 1000,
                            "lane": "IN"
                        "exit_event": {
                            "time": "2023-05-20T14:05:13+0000",
                            "confidence": 1000,
                            "lane": "OUT"
                        "product_name": "Central Station 4h Product",
                    "accounting_object": "54321"
            "payments": [
                    "id": "1414",
                    "paid_at": "2023-05-21T11:28:01+0000",
                    "paid_amount": 108.0,
                    "sender_account": "0001",
                    "transaction_id": "0ea95a0fb8e84338a116b01e2e590e54",
                    "message": " OK ",
                    "payment_channel": "PaymentWeb CC payment",
                    "autopay_payment_reference": "xzecW9eJE",
                    "payment_provider": {
                        "name": "Secure Bank",
                        "code": "SEBA"
            "created_at": "2023-05-21T12:20:09+0000",
            "updated_at": "2023-05-21T12:21:14+0000",
            "id": "1425onepark_no",
            "status": "PAID",
            "operator": "onepark_no",
            "invoice_date": "2023-05-22",
            "currency": "NOK",
            "receipt_url": "",
            "client": {
                "id": "abCdeKqWXxVNPLnT3ClYkt99x987",
                "type": "REGULAR",
                "email": "",
                "phone": "987654321",
                "name": "Melissa Gorges",
                "postal_code": "123456",
                "country": "NO",
                "birth_date": "1985-12-31"
                "operator_data": {
                    "digipost": "melissa.gorges#4321"
                "reference": "12345",
            "items": [
                    "id": "1234567898765433",
                    "description": "Central Station EV charging - #21427\n22.05.23 11:45 - 22.05.23 15:05\nKKRCC  - alle plasser benyttet",
                    "charging_session": {
                        "id": "cedc777c-eb83-43e1-a031-b276d3f14279",
                        "start_time": "2023-05-22T10:45:13+0000",
                        "end_time": "2023-05-22T14:05:13+0000",
                        "zone_name": "Central Station (kontoret)",
                        "zone_code": "100",
                        "facility_name": "Central Station",
                        "facility_code": "1",
                        "vehicle_reg": "JJPZZ",
                        "product_name": "Central Station EV charging",
                        "kwh_charged": 10.203
                    "vat_percent": 25.0,
                    "net_price": 67.8,
                    "gross_price": 84.75,
                    "vat_amount": 16.95,
                    "accounting_object": "54322"
                    "id": "service-charge",
                    "description": "Service charge",
                    "vat_percent": 25.0,
                    "net_price": 1.6,
                    "gross_price": 2.0,
                    "vat_amount": 0.4,
                    "accounting_object": "12346"
            "payments": [
                    "id": "I8ytr7u55",
                    "paid_at": "2023-05-22T15:28:01+0000",
                    "paid_amount": 86.75,
                    "sender_account": "0096",
                    "transaction_id": "123f567yb247f1b879be1551db27d9",
                    "payment_channel": "Nets CC payment",
                    "autopay_payment_reference": "fYlLoXqRm"
            "created_at": "2023-05-22T15:30:09+0000",
            "updated_at": "2023-05-22T15:30:14+0000",
            "id": "1429onepark_no",
            "batch_id": "T3st4u70paY1",
            "status": "UNPAID",
            "operator": "onepark_no",
            "invoice_date": "2023-05-25",
            "currency": "NOK",
            "items": [
                    "id": "1234567898765434",
                    "description": "Central Station 4h product - #21433\n25.05.23 15:00 - 25.05.23 18:34\nKKRCC  - alle plasser benyttet",
                    "parking_session": {
                        "id": "7cd66bcb-2dd3-4a7e-8aee-4323384503d3",
                        "invoicing_fee": false,
                        "start_time": "2023-05-25T14:00:40+0000",
                        "end_time": "2023-05-25T17:34:40+0000",
                        "zone_name": "Central Station (kontoret)",
                        "zone_code": "100",
                        "facility_name": "Central Station",
                        "facility_code": "1",
                        "vehicle_reg": "DDYUU",
                        "vehicle_nationality": "NO",
                        "entry_event": {
                            "time": "2023-05-25T14:00:40+0000",
                            "confidence": 900,
                            "lane": "IN",
                            "image_url": ""
                        "exit_event": {
                            "time": "2023-05-25T17:34:40+0000",
                            "confidence": 900,
                            "lane": "OUT",
                            "image_url": ""
                        "permit": {
                            "permit_name": "Contract permit #1",
                            "permit_holder": "Holder of this permit",
                            "concurrent_parking_limit_exceeded": false,
                            "resolution": "permit used"
                        "product_name": "Central Station 4h product",
                    "vat_percent": 20.0,
                    "net_price": 95.0,
                    "gross_price": 114.0,
                    "vat_amount": 19.0
            "payments": [],
            "created_at": "2023-05-25T19:30:09+0000",
            "updated_at": "2023-05-25T19:30:14+0000",
    "summary": {
        "total_results": 3,
        "more_results": false

Error messages

Parameter Type Description
error_id string Specific code of error. See below for possible values
message string Description of error
description string Optional value. Additional description of error.

Example error response

    "error_id": "authentication_error",
    "message": "No access token present in header!"

Possible error ids

Error id Explanation
forbidden Unauthorized
internal_server_error Internal server error
missing_property A required property in request is missing
message_not_readable A problem with the request body
method_not_supported Used REST method not supported
argument_type_mismatch A request argument is of incorrect type
accounting_missing_scope_error Missing scope for specified status
accounting_unexpected_error Unexpected authorization error
accounting_service_invalid_to_date_error to_date should not be in the future
accounting_service_invalid_date_error Can search either by 'from' and 'to' OR 'updated_at_from' and 'updated_at_to'
operator_not_found_error Operator not found